Get Support


There are two groups of potential clients of the Malta Guide Dogs Foundation:

  • those born with a visual impairment, including blindness; and
  • those who become blind or visually impaired later on in life – even as early as childhood and adolescence.

If you fall within one of these categories, lead an active life and are prepared to open your life and your home to a dog (with all the responsibility and commitment that involves), then you are eligible to set forth on the journey to obtaining or regaining your independence.


The first step, following initial assessment by the MGDF, involves attending and successfully obtaining a certificate in Orientation and Mobility. This includes learning how to get your bearings whether it is at home or in an open space, and eventually the use of the white cane. Getting around with a white cane may be all the blind or visually impaired person may wish for but nothing compares to the confidence and ‘speed’ that a guide dog gives you.


A fully trained guide dog costs between €15,000 and €20,000 to acquire, including matching with the prospective guide dog client, and final bonding and training. The MGDF relies on funds raised and various generous sponsors who have included over the years the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Knights of St John), the Government of Malta through the Ministry of Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights and the Malta Community Chest Fund, under the Presidency of Malta, Borg Cardona & Co Ltd, the P. Cutajar Foundation, the Alfred Mizzi Foundation and MoCo.

How to apply

All you need to do to apply is write to giving us your name, address and phone/mobile number and we will get in touch to set an appointment.