Any blind person in these categories:

  • University and trade school students;
  • Persons in or seeking work;
  • Persons who suffer sight loss due to accidents; and
  • Persons with reduced vision caused by degenerative diseases.

A guide dog is a needed tool not only for mobility, but also to gain both independence and self-confidence.

At the age of 8 weeks it is placed in the care of a volunteer 'Puppy Walker', who helps with general obedience, roadcraft, spending commands, etc. The dog or bitch is neutered during this phase. At 12-14 months a period of intense schooling starts, under the guidance of a Guide Dog Mobility Instructor. At around 18-22 months the Guide Dog meets its new owner and they are taught to meet all possible hazards together before final graduation. The Instructor monitors their performance every month for the first year, then at frequent intervals thereafter to ensure a high standard is maintained.

As of July 2015, 13 fully trained animals are working with their owners. A brood bitch has been imported so that dogs can be reared and trained locally.

The Malta Guide Dogs Foundation is always looking for volunteers to assist with Administration, Puppy Walking, obtaining sponsors and organising fund-raising events. Complete the contact form on the site, if you wish to help.

Just about the only public places that the partnership is not allowed to go are: Restaurant Kitchens, Hospital special wards, Toilets and premises where other animals are kept. In essence, a Guide Dog can only be useful to its owner if allowed access to all locations that are accessible to a normally sighted person. This includes: Hotels, Restaurants, Public Transport, Offices, Aircraft, Ferries, Banks, etc. The Equal Opportunities Act 2000 states that it is illegal to discriminate against a disabled person who needs an assistant, in this case a Guide Dog.

We are able to carry out initial obedience training with volunteers and will be able to offer a full course once our own Mobility Instructor graduates from a 2-3 year course.

No – the chances of a puppy that has not been reared from Guide Dog stock will succeed as a qualified Guide Dog are very slim. Indeed, it's all in the genes.

An EU regulation enforced across Europe in 2008 should ensure that an assistance dog may accompany its owner in the cabin so long as the dog is mentioned when booking, meets the conditions of the EU Pets Travel Scheme and that a special harness which attaches to the seat belt is used. There should be no extra charge for this service. Journeys within the Schengen Area may require a temporary import permit. The UK and Eire will continue to have special conditions. Ask the airline for help.

The Foundation was established in 2006 and, as soon as a training facility has been in full operation for two years, it may apply for membership of the International Guide Dog Federation. The foundation is recognised by the European Guide Dog Federation.

Public Awareness

  • Schools
  • Places of Work


  • Orientation and Mobility
  • Sighted Guiding
  • Others

Downloadable Forms

  • Application to be a Puppy Raiser
  • Application for a Service
  • Application to be a volunteer